Chess with Different Armies
Invented by: Ralph Betza, 1996
Game hierarchy
• Game
• Generic Chess
• Generic x8
• Generic 8x8
• Chess with Different Armies
The setup varies with selected armies so this diagram shows only one example
FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KkQq - 0 1
Piece Types
Internal Name | Name | Notation | Added By | Notes |
King | King | K | Generic Chess | royal; can castle |
Pawn | Pawn | P | Generic Chess | can promote; en passant; can promote; pawn structure evaluation |
Fabulous FIDEs |
Queen | Queen | Q | Chess with Different Armies | trap king on back rank bonus |
Rook | Rook | R | Chess with Different Armies | castling partner; open file bonus; trap king on back rank bonus |
Bishop | Bishop | B | Chess with Different Armies | colorbinding evaluation; outpost bonus; outpost bonus |
Knight | Knight | N | Chess with Different Armies | outpost bonus |
Colorbound Clobberers |
Archbishop | Archbishop | A | Chess with Different Armies | |
War Elephant | War Elephant | E | Chess with Different Armies | colorbinding evaluation; outpost bonus |
Phoenix | Phoenix | X | Chess with Different Armies | outpost bonus |
Cleric | Cleric | C | Chess with Different Armies | colorbinding evaluation; outpost bonus; outpost bonus; outpost bonus |
Remarkable Rookies |
Chancellor | Chancellor | C | Chess with Different Armies | open file bonus; trap king on back rank bonus |
Short Rook | Short Rook | S | Chess with Different Armies | castling partner; open file bonus; trap king on back rank bonus |
Tower | Tower | T | Chess with Different Armies | outpost bonus |
Lion | Lion | L | Chess with Different Armies | outpost bonus |
Nutty Knights |
Charging Rook | Charging Rook | R | Chess with Different Armies | trap king on back rank bonus |
Lancer | Lancer | L | Chess with Different Armies | outpost bonus |
ChargingKnight | Charging Knight | N | Chess with Different Armies | outpost bonus |
Colonel | Colonel | C | Chess with Different Armies | trap king on back rank bonus |
Game Variables
Name = "Chess with Different Armies"
Invented = "1996"
InventedBy = "Ralph Betza"
NumberOfSquareColors = 2
FENFormat = "{array} {current player} {castling} {en-passant} {half-move clock} {turn number}" FENStart = "#{Array} w #default #default 0 1"
Array = "#{BlackArray}/8/8/8/8/#{WhiteArray}"
DeduplicateMoves = false
StaticExchangeEvaluation = true
Declared in Generic Chess:
StalemateResult = Draw
PromotionRule = Standard
PromotionTypes = "QRBN"
BareKing = false
EnPassant = true
PromotingType = Pawn
CastlingType = King
Declared in Generic x8:
PawnDoubleMove = true
Declared in Generic 8x8:
Castling = CwDA
Declared in Chess with Different Armies:
WhiteArmy = choice of { Fabulous FIDEs, Colorbound Clobberers, Remarkable Rookies, Nutty Knights }
BlackArmy = choice of { Fabulous FIDEs, Colorbound Clobberers, Remarkable Rookies, Nutty Knights }